From cautious to aggressive: Post-pandemic marketing strategy

Staying in your comfort zone isn’t always best for your marketing strategy. Neither is jumping into a plan that’s overly ambitious. Sometimes planning your marketing strategy can be like selecting the right wave.
Building client partnerships through trust, not transactions

Enduring client-agency relationships have become fewer and farther between. Learn why your relationship with your agency should feel more like a connection, and less like a transaction.
The case for increasing your connected TV spend

Visit our blog to learn more about the benefits of connected TV for advertising, and why you should consider increasing your connected TV spend in 2021.
Forecast consumer behavior in 2021 using past data

Like many, you may be wondering if your data from 2020 has any value. Learn more about how you can use data to predict shifting consumer behavior in 2021.
How retailers can respond to shifting holiday shopping behavior

Check out best practices for the shift in shopping behavior from in-store to e-commerce purchasing.
How political advertising affects us as marketers

Do you think politics affects your marketing campaigns? Check out our blog to find out what to do next.
Repair and rebuild: Turning past experience into future opportunity

How past experience can help you turn your goals into a future opportunity.
Using omnichannel marketing to fuel engagement

If you’ve ever received an email opening with “Dear [first name]” that got your name wrong, or even worse, didn’t include your name at all, then you know how frustrating it is.
3 Ideas to shift consumer sentiment toward marketing

How can your campaign voice impact your customers and your clients? Check out our blog to find out!
3 Ways to execute your marketing plan as the country reopens

With the changes over the past year, check out some best practices to update your campaigns as the country reopens.